
fanfarlo & violins

lately, as in the past forever, i've been obsessing over the band "fanfarlo"

they are so adorb. i mean, who are we kidding? you must agree.
if you havent checked em out yet, you better right this moment.
they will make your ears cry.
occasionally they will play a violin in some songs.
i die.
i really do die.
the violin is the single best instrument made.

speaking's a list of some divine songs, which include the violin:

I. Ghosts, Fanfarlo
II. Arms, Seabear
III. Jesus Etc., Wilco
IV. Chicago, Sufjan Stevens
V. Heretics, Andrew Bird
VI. Anthems for a 17-year old girl, Broken Social Scene
VII. Nantes, Beirut
VIII. Boy, Ra Ra Riot

now, am i missing any, folks?


Mandy said...

Can't wait to check them out. And how cute is your name? Valeen? Beautiful.

MOLLY said...

i liked your post about working in a nursing home. my grandpa was in a nursing home when i was little and i wanted nothing more than to work there when i got big. it never happened, but that's awesome that you do and get to soak in the wisdom of those elderlies. good for you! and good thoughts about material possessions, its so easy to get caught in the world!