

are ya jokin' me j.crew?
this place, man..
you must go take a peek.
and their crewcutkids rocks my world.
i wish i could show you their boy-kid-blond-model-with-long-hairs.
he is to die for! but you'll have to check it out yourselves!

i decided to drop in for a quick reappearance!
its been fun.
but see ya lates.

oh ps and i'm going to build some toilets and books. but really..buildings that have those..
but maybe not cause some other opportunities have emerged.
ahhhh my new life's chapter..
what in the life!
smell ya l8r.

1 comment:

The Strickland Gang said...

Everyone LoVES a quickie! Be safe in Fiji and don't miss me too much.

p.s. my blonde haired boys are way cuter than that kid lol