
things that are stupid.

a. jeans that don't fit anymore, for reasons which are opposite of gaining weight. i would like to punch something thanks
b. etsy shops that charge 4x as much as they should for stuff
c. tricky multiple choice questions in anatomy
d. snow storms in april
e. having to return an online purchase, via mail
f. writing a paper
g. finding a new job
h. buying gasoline when its priced like this
i. wet socks

you know how people usually only blog about perfect things in their life.
i think thats stupid too.

so here's my non-perfect life post.
i hope no body thinks my life is perfect because of what i write on my blog.
otherwise that would be stupid times two. times three even.

BUT i would like to say,
things that are great are:
a. good hair days
b. the gospel
c. getting answers from the man
d. finding money in pockets
e. realizing ive got only 2 weeks left of smell
f. clean bedrooms
g. home made meals
h. sisters that call just to talk
i. words with friends with sister who makes me smarter
j. being told i will be missed
k. no lines at the gas pump
l. good cheap vintage finds
m. chunky monkey ice cream
n. toast with butter and sisters home made jam

the good will always outweigh the bad.


The Strickland Gang said...

I love you sissy! But I really wish I was having the same problem you are without trying!

t&hbilodough said...

LAUREN! I know I know that things can be so dang terrib we don't even know how to live. but you ALWAYS look on the brighty. haha that is only one reason that I love you uber and more and even possibly beyond! School will soon be over than we shall survive the summer full of our ultimate FAVES!!! :) I'm totally stoked. Love you Laur :)

Heather Myers said...

Lauren I was so excited to see that comment from you! You are so kind and adorable as always :) We really should catch up's been too long!